The Inspiring Legacy of Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson, the pioneer and icon of American Christian television has died at 93.
Regardless of what any one of us may think of him or his views, or of his politics, he was a significant figure in American Christianity—especially the breakthroughs he made.
He was a visionary, a pioneer, a risk-taker, and a breaker of barriers who created far-reaching changes for American Christianity’s interface with the world and much more. He left a huge legacy.
He started the Christian Broadcasting Network with a mere $3 in its new bank account. It now reaches 150 nations in more than a hundred languages.
He started Regent University, now a major Christian university and law school.
He started the Christian Coalition, which got Christians off the sidelines to make their voice heard in politics—and people of faith were taken seriously.
Started the American Center for Law and Justice, which has fought and won legal battles for countless Christians who have been unfairly targeted for their faith.
He massively supported church planting in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
He started Operation Blessing International Relief and Development, which brings humanitarian help and relief to millions around the world.
And he also did something rare among ministry leaders: He invested in ministries of others.
This, naturally and always, leads me to think about my life. And about yours. Not to compare but to be inspired.
In your own big or small way, I challenge you as I challenge myself to think about—and do something about—these questions:
•What positive changes am I bringing to the world I live in?
•What is the legacy I will leave?
•And where am I in God’s big picture?
May God’s Word and Spirit—and your life situations and opportunities—inspire and lead you deep within yourself and then beyond yourself.