Redemption in the Void

7e48b1d4-b969-4242-9469-8327b99c7014My mother passed away on August 1, 2018. In her decrepit state she was ready to go. That alone is a blessing when considering how many die a violent or untimely death. Yet even when death comes as an accepted release, everyone who’s experienced the death of a loved one knows how discomfiting it is when a person’s soul disappears from the face of the earth.

For those of us left behind, loved ones continue to die in stages—the funeral and burial or cremation, dealing with their clothes, personal items, and furniture in their room, replaying memories, and finalizing business. We surprise ourselves by missing even the things we didn’t like—because they had become part of us, and all that’s left is a void.

Yet for believers, redemption can come in that void.

I feel a strong impression of my mother being not only in the presence of God, but also reunited with my father. After fifty-five long and painful years as a widow, she is finally—finally—together with him. And I? I’m the kid in the photo. My family has been torn apart for almost all my life, and now for the first time since this last photo of us, my mom and dad are back together. Yes, they’re like the angels together with all the other saints, but they’re together with no more separation.

Here’s the strange blessing: I feel more wholeness, more family completeness, with the two of them together than I ever did with my mom and me together but apart from my dad.

My being apart from them here feels natural enough because I’ve always been one to travel and live here or there in the world. But with my mom and dad finally together again, my family finally feels whole. I may even enjoy holidays more. Seriously. How deep and rich is this blessing!

Is there some kind of pain in your present or your past that—if you could envision it differently, try to see it from God’s perspective—could turn from curse to blessing, sorrow to joy?

Think and pray about it. God may have a new perspective for you too. I pray it may be so.