Goliath Was Not Always a Giant

Goliath was not always a 9’ 6” giant. He was once a baby. And with the passing of time, the baby became a child, became a teenager, became a man, became a giant.

In the same way, our giants often begin as small problems, but they grow. Whether by our own fault or not, when these problems develop, they start to run over our lives and grow into the monsters that we dread. A baby giant can be a wounded heart that through time never gets healed and eventually becomes a major fear, deep bitterness, or raging problem. A baby giant can be a doubt that then hardens the soul until it becomes a total offense to God and his Word.

It is critical to acknowledge and confront these giants early and kill them before they get bigger. Don’t let little giants grow big!

Goliath had crossed the boundary into the territory of the Israelites and was taunting them. If you tolerate a Goliath, he will cross lines, take over your territory, and come through your door. That is why you don’t walk away from giants. You face them. First Samuel 17:48 tells us that when Goliath moved closer to attack, “David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.” David did not run away; he did not fret; he did not wonder what to do. He ran toward the giant. Your brave confrontation with the giants in your life will also bring you victory.

Also realize that often we can have victory only through God. David told Goliath, “The battle is the LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands” (1 Samuel 17:47). Giants defeat us when we face them in our flesh and not in the Spirit. We overcome them through faith in the promise, presence, and power of God.

Whatever your giant may be, and whatever earthly arsenal you use, I encourage you to incorporate the power of God. No ignoring small giants. No compromising with giants of any size. Hold to God’s power and determine that you will overcome.

Don’t look at the size of your giant, but look at the size of your God.

Is there a giant in your life? Or in that of someone you love?

What will you do?

Photo Credit: pixaby | Geralt
(This guy has the most amazing images.)