God Redeems, Restores, Reconstructs

The beautiful work of God in your life never has to cease.

Last month I wrote about how my dog ripped up my Bible, and the experience offered a fresh expression of the gospel. 

The dog pictured is my little messenger, Angel.

For about a week and a couple hours a day, with lots of tape, contact cement, pieces of paper spliced into pages, and lots of painstaking, patient work, I repaired and reconstructed the damaged Bible.

The once-destroyed pages are now stronger
than they originally were.

This is precisely what God does in our lives when we say, “Yes, Lord.” Whatever we have gone through in life, no matter how damaged or messed up we may be, the Spirit of God painstakingly
    –redeems us from whatever pit we may be in.
    –restores in us what has been destroyed or taken.
    –reconstructs in our lives what was messed up.
I’m 62 and these three things still go on in me one way or another.

This particularly happens when we nurture and maintain the attitude of Isaiah 61:2, where the Lord says, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.” When we have that attitude, there is no end to the beautiful restoring work God will do in our lives.
Ask my wife who has put up with me all these years.

What in your life needs to be redeemed, restored, or reconstructed?
Think about it.
How could God work through you as his human vessel to redeem, restore, or reconstruct someone else?

Saying yes to God‘s Word and Spirit produces blessing inside you that extends through you to others. What better thing in life could you have?