Follow the Path That Opens

When I came back to Southern California in early 2020, I was a bit sad about many dreams and goals in my life that had either withered or crashed. I had always been big on pursuing goals—I still am. 
Perhaps you can relate to pursuing dreams and goals—and to their withering or crashing. 
As I crossed the Arizona-California state line, I clearly sensed the Spirit of God prompt my heart and mind something like this: Stop pursuing your goals. Just follow the path that opens before you.
At first, I was a bit wary. But I sensed it was God, so I didn’t make any goals except to pursue paths that opened up to me.
After a lifetime of apartments and church-owned parsonages, owning a mobile home on a lake opened to us. We started a church online, and it’s still going well. Restarting our district’s training center opened. Joining its classes with LA’s opened. Many more editing contracts than I’d had in the past opened. One editing job closed and immediately a new one at twice the volume with better pay opened. The mission field now seems to be opening with training pastors in the nation of Belize. And a new teaching pastor role is opening. I am busier, happier, more focused and aligned with my gifts and callings, and on top of my game than I have ever been. I’m not proud of this. Rather, I feel as if I should feel guilty—or maybe relieved after so many years. But it’s God’s blessing, so I’m just thankful.
Here’s what I’m discovering: The path is God’s dream or goal or intent for us—whatever you want to call it. 
It’s from him. And it becomes ours
I so hope that you would also experience something similar in your life. Something that is from God and works uniquely for you. Or maybe you’re doing that, and I rejoice with you. Or maybe you’re getting there, and I encourage you. 
Count your blessings from 2022, even the daily ones like good health, family, or provision. And may new paths from God open to you.

Watch for the paths.

Peter Lundell

Photo credit: geralt | Pixaby