Focus on the Process

For most of my life, I’ve been oriented and reminded about having goals. Goals are good.
But they just sit there ahead of you.
Which is why I often failed to reach them. I got bogged down in between where I was and where I wanted to go.

I learned that more important than the goal itself is the process.

I have discovered that

  • you are not separated from your vision and goals by time. You’re separated by action.
  • acts within the whole process–most acts are small–must be intentional and consistent.
  • this is true in every single area of life. And it’s thoroughly biblical.
  • consistency beats everything.

Focusing on the process

  • keeps you in dynamic relation with God (or the vision) rather than in contractual servitude.
  • frees you from temptations to be in control of what God may do or change.
  • influences you to make wiser decisions than you would if only focused on the goal.
  • helps keep you consistently moving forward, even when you don’t feel like it.
  • frees you from stress about reaching your goal—results of the process are more important.
  • acknowledges that God may do something different from the goal.

Visionary commitment to life transformation that pragmatically focuses on the process more than the goal can become an unstoppable positive force in any area of your life.

I hope you have goals in life. But I hope that you focus not on the goals but on the process of reaching them. You’ll far more likely get there—no matter what your goal may be.

Each year I encouraged people to make an “Annual Growth Commitment,” which combines prayer, God’s grace, and habit to bring solid positive change in one important area of your life. 
If you choose to try it, or continue doing it. Go to

Download the PDF, which explains everything, and if you print it, you can cut out the little cards at the bottom.
May God lead you and bless you in 2024 no matter what happens to you or the world.

Peter Lundell

Art: Gerd Altmann|Pixaby