Consistency Will Revise Your Life

Before everyone’s favorite year of 2020 happened, in 2019 I taught on my 2009 book, Prayer Power. And as I read through it chapter by chapter to highlight main points and make comments for my audience, I noticed something. And I grew so happy.

I originally wrote the book because I couldn’t find a book in print that gave me a simple-yet-content-rich, succinct-yet-comprehensive, practical guide to improving my prayer life. So I wrote my own—Prayer Power: 30 Days to a Stronger Connection with God. (And that’s where this email/blog title “Connections” came from.)

It sold well and helped many people. But as I reviewed it ten years after publication, I discovered that as I had actually done the things I wrote about in the book, my prayer life grew, my faith grew, my character grew, and in ever-increasing ways I gained a stronger connection with God—just as the book title said I would. Surprise!

So I republished Prayer Power in a new revised edition, not with much new content because what needs to be there is all there. The revision is that of affirmations in how doing this stuff genuinely worked in my life and how it can work in yours.

Time plus consistency (which can be boring) produce many small changes that add up to great changes. It’s also a wonderful feeling to find yourself growing through things you encourage other people to do.

Think about your own life. Is there anything positive and intentional you’ve done consistently over time that has quietly but clearly brought about excellent change and growth? I hope so. But even if not, you can start now. What area in your life would that be?

Every day you wait is one less day to grow. So let’s get growing!

If you’d like, click here to check out the Revised Edition of Prayer Power.