A Path – Not a Destination

A rich young ruler came to Jesus, wanting to get eternal life. Jesus told him to instead walk a path that led there. The guy turned away.

How often have you had an aim in life and not reached it, then felt disappointed? Or how often have you had an aim in life and reached it, then felt less happy than you thought you would?

Time to make a change.

If you have not already done this, I encourage you to change your thinking about aspirations and goals. Start with just one thing you aspire to. Could be anything. Instead of thinking in terms of reaching an ultimate goal, think in terms of walking a path in that direction.

Turn goals into motivations and measurements of your progress.

And all along the way, the main thing is less about reaching a goal and more about doing things with excellence.

This would apply to anything—money, relationships, health, study, work/career, ministry, growing in faith.

Then see if two likely things will happen for you:

First, you’ll live better and be happier because your commitment to excellence will become a way of thinking and a lifestyle.

Second, you will more likely attain your aspirations because you’ll be habitually thinking and doing what it takes to get where you’re going—rather than falling in the gap that otherwise forms between hopes and dreams with inadequate steps between them.

When we think this way, we have so much more peace. And we remove boundaries and barriers as well because we know we’ll never arrive at any destination as much as always be living at our best potential.

Even Jesus said he was “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). The whole Christian life is a path to be walked, not sitting in a waiting room for heaven.

What one thing in your life might you think about in terms of committing to a path of practicing excellence, punctuated with mileposts of goals along the way?

Imagine how much in your life could change….

Art credit: geralt | Pixaby