A New Change

Kim and I have entering a new life change this month as we have finished our work in Louisiana, transitioned things over to a great pastoral leader, David Craig, who will guide it’s future as this virus passes.

We’re so glad we came to Louisiana, yet we wish we could have done more. We’ve been blessed in so many ways, particularly my own prayer life and spiritual growth. Living in the South has also been a rich experience I will forever cherish, and we’ve come to love the people there. We will miss y’all! It’s a bittersweet departure.

For some time Kim has had a growing number of people in the San Diego area and others from other parts of the country enthusiastic about starting a new church—actually churches, both Korean and English speaking. She had the vision for this before we even went to Louisiana, and now it’s becoming a reality more than she had expected. She’s been hired as the director for church planting for the Southern California District Church of the Nazarene. I will pastor the English congregation of this church startup and continue to teach for Nazarene Bible College and edit books for EA Books Publishing.

We have relocated to Escondido, CA, just north of San Diego.
It’s a healthy practice to be grateful and to see good things in the midst of bad.

Romans 8:28 promises that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (NIV). So it’s no surprise that churches across the world have found that Coronavirus has opened up online practices that benefit their ministries—things they never would have tried otherwise.

My question to you: Despite the sickness and death, economic disaster, and lockdowns, identify at least two or three good things that have come about because of COVID-19. Two or three good things. In your personal experience, what are they?

Feel free to respond and let me know.

Now, name two or three good things . . .